Conveyor belts are generally multi-material composites of single or multi-layer laminates. This makes them almost impossible to upcycle, downcycle or recycle. Some types are estimated to take in excess of 400 years to breakdown in landfill, not to mention the toxic implications of that process. With the only other option being incineration, which does not yield great outcomes for the environment either. Therefore, there is clearly a priority focus to address ‘Multi-laminate Plastic Material’ going to landfill or incineration.  Conveyor Belting is right in the crosshairs of the governments targeted ‘Net Zero for 2050’ policy and Materials and manufacturing vision 2050 Innovate UK Materials and Manufacturing Vision 2050 (

We are delighted, humbled, honoured and privileged to be working with some of the worlds leading scientists from three different schools within the UoM on this amazing project. The project will cut across the above themes of circular economy, building a green future, climate change and sustainability, engineering design, manufacturing the future, and made smarter innovation. This project is the first study to apply life cycle assessment to provide broad environmental insight into strategies for the end-of-life treatment of PVC-based laminate materials.

This project will provide an evidence-based pathway to improving the fate of the product by estimating the environmental impacts of end-of-life options via life cycle assessment (LCA) of identified scenarios for the repurposing and repair of belts at the end of their lives. These will be modelled using LCA to establish their carbon footprint and other environmental impacts. Finally, data will be identified for potential emerging waste management options as foundations for follow-on collaboration.  This project is a springboard for developing a longer relationship (KTP). The results of this project may help the exploitation and commercialization of the product by Ecobelt directing our future R&D efforts efficiently. 

Benefits to the Ecobelt

Quantifying the potential environmental benefits of their products and strategies is of great marketing value. The data provided by this project will enable science-based avenues for product and service development which are lacking in our market, providing economic benefits by making Ecobelt the market leading sustainable/eco brand in the sector. Alignment with net zero policies and future stricter legislation on Conveyor Belts will also place them ahead of competitors.

Benefits to the University

This is a new inter-School and Department collaboration. The use of LCA for commercial waste management strategy is an emerging area, while LCA in the conveyor belt industry is, to our knowledge, entirely novel and will be developed for publication. The case study fits well with both Faculty (sustainable materials) and University (sustainable futures) research strategies.