Before you can publish and report accurate credible data


You must first know how to measure GHG's associated with Conveyor Belts


What is measured, gets managed


Before you can publish and report accurate credible data - You must first know how to measure GHG's associated with Conveyor Belts - What is measured, gets managed -

Sustainability reporting must evolve beyond mere compliance and communication to embody a genuine exercise in transparency, strategic business planning, and acceleration of action on sustainability.

Analizing your conveyor belt usage is a pivotal solution against environmental degradation and waste management challenges as well as realizing huge financial savings.

It involves reducing, repairing and reusing belts to divert them fom landfills and incinerators. This not only conserves valuable resources but also reduces the energy and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of virgin material.

Companies reporting Scope 3

More and more companies are reporting their emissions, then setting out plans and taking actions to reduce them.

Statistics show that they have 3 things in common

Start saving in 3 simple steps

Ecobelt™ recognizes that conveyor belts are an essential part of everyday life, indeed the world would come to a standstill without them. When something is made, it has normally been conveyed.  It is therefore essential to extend the life of conveyor belts for as long as possible and that is exactly what Ecobelt™ is all about. “Saving the Planet, One belt at a time”. Our vision and analysis demonstrate significant opportunities to make a real economic, environmental and societal difference for our clients.

Now is the time to start a systemic change and have a credible plan to reduce conveyor belt consumption. This strategic alignment encourages a more sustainable business model that contributes actively, rather than just another report where nothing is really changing. Actions rather than words, contribute to global efforts aimed at achieving a more sustainable future for all.


Ecobelt’s consultancy program will deliver a scientifically accurate survey report of your current belting footprint. This will cover a range of pollution factors which outline exactly the ecotoxic effect on the planet of the belts you have on-site.

From this report, we can work with you to plan a range of actions to reduce the negative effect of your current belt use on the planets ecosystem. We ensure that you comply with current and developing legislation on belt use, making a real economic, environmental and societal difference for your company.

If you are currently publishing any kind of sustainability or ESG report detailing your companies to ‘Carbon’ status and you have not taken into account your annual belt usage, you are in effect, “Greenwashing”.

Nobody wants to be found guilty of greenwashing. The reputational damage can be significant, as greenwashing risks undermine trust by sapping consumer and investor confidence.


To ensure client confidentiality, all data produced in partnership with Ecobelt consultancy is held in the strictest of confidence and we invite clients to enter into an NDA, both for their protection and that of Ecobelt.

Therefore there is no need to worry, no matter how disastrous your current situation is, the important thing is to take action now and make a start to improving in the knowledge that your data is held in confidence.

We are also very happy to announce collaborations, promote relationships and publish data in cooperation with clients especially specific stories of success.


Upstream Scope 3 emissions are 26x higher than Scopes 1 and 2


Upstream Scope 3 emissions are 26x higher than Scopes 1 and 2 -

What is Scope 3 reporting?


Scope 3 reporting involves assessing and reporting indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur in an organization's value chain, including sources such as purchased goods, business travel, and waste disposal. It is crucial for understanding the full environmental impact beyond direct operations.


Scope 3 reporting is essential for companies to comprehensively measure their carbon footprint and identify emission hotspots. It enables businesses to set emission reduction targets, engage with suppliers for sustainable practices, and enhance overall environmental performance.

Measuring GHG emissions

Scope 3 reporting provides a holistic view of an organization's environmental impact, which is vital for transparency, sustainability strategies, and meeting stakeholder expectations. It helps in making informed decisions to mitigate climate change risks and promote a low-carbon economy.

Benefits of Scope 3 reporting?

Organizational Benefits

Conducting Scope 3 reporting allows organizations to gain insights into their entire value chain emissions, leading to improved efficiency, resource optimization, and cost savings through sustainable practices.

Stakeholder Engagement

By disclosing Scope 3 emissions, companies enhance their credibility and transparency with stakeholders, investors, and consumers. This fosters trust, attracts environmentally conscious investors, and boosts brand reputation.